“Technology and Society
WHO WE ARE: A solutions-oriented community of global leaders diligently working together to ensure the sustainability of our humanity & planet In the era of exponential technology.
OUR VISION: A world where technology is designed to serve and/or complement humanity but not replace it.
How failure is the first step toward success
Tim Draper- Venture Capitalist + Founder Draper Associates
Joshua Roman
An American Cellist, Curator, and Composer.
LinkedIn for the LinkedOut
By Yscaira Jimenez, LaborX
A solution to the 92% of plastic waste too contaminated and difficult to recycle
By Miranda Wang, BioCellection
The Homo Sapiens: Sapiens and the Sanctity of the Human Mind
By Aza Raskin, The Center for Humane Technology
Technology will not save the world, here is why
Prof. john a powell,
Haas Institute for a Fair and Inclusive Society- UC Berkeley
[Request: Display name with lowercase letters]
An Electric Performance
By Axis Dance Company’s Dwayne Scheuneman and Yuko Monden Juma
Inside China's Digital Surveillance State
By Megha Rajagopalan
How to prepare generations for the jobs of the future in the AI era.
By Bryan Talebi, AHURA AI
How to ensure AI technology is respectful of our human Rights
By Kathy Baxter, Salesforce
Beats Without Bots
By Syzygy Beatbox
With Data and Algorithms , It’s not about Privacy
Dr. Eric Berlow & David Shenk
Data and Society
By Jacob Metcalf
Bringing wisdom to the age of information Influx
By Gabi Jubran
The truth is under attack: How to protect journalists and their sources
By Trevor Timm
A Dazzling Perfomance,
By Keren, Dennis and Sebastian- Raw Creations
How Automation and Robotics will Create Your New Job
By Cyril Ebersweiler
AI Will Change the World, Who Will Change AI? Why diversity and inclusion matters
By Tess Posner
How Turning Off Screens With My Family Has Changed My Life
By Tiffany Shlain
How roleplaying games can do wonders for social and emotional development in adolescents
By Tristan Helms
The Swiping Generation: Love, Sex and Relationships
By Maya Diamond
How to create a Cybersecure World
By Yaron Vorona
The intended and unintended consequences of Technology
By John Boyd
How Technology Behaves like Biological Systems,
By Reese Jones- Associate founder Singularity University
170M children & 21M workers in forced labor: A talk about Trading Accountability
By Kohl Gill
How Automation and Robotics will Create Your New Job
By Cyril Ebersweiler
What to do about misinformation and targeted propaganda online
By Dan Gilmor
Welcome to the Internet! We can't let technology destroy our information ecosystem
By Aviv Ovadya
Why Decentralized Technology Matters for Freedom
By Alex Gladstein, HRF
The Cyber Second Amendment
By Roderick Jones, Rubica
Drugs that can prevent depression and PTSD
By Rebecca Brachman- AISION
Photos By: @marlaaufmuth/UCOT2018
In October 2018, more than 40+ speakers and 400+ creative thinkers and doers gathered at the Fairmont Hotel in San Francisco to share ideas with a mission to bring awareness and work on solutions to the unintended consequences of technology at the UCOT2018.
Humanity is at a crossroads. The explosion of technology and its exponential advancements are reshaping what it means to be human. As technology continues to expand, its incredible imprint on our lives continues to deepen. Algorithmic lifestyle has become one of the most powerful arbiters in our lives. They, the technologies, make decisions about the news we read, who we vote for, the jobs we get, the people we meet, and the ads we see. Along with the benefits and victories provided by new technologies come consequences that are alarmingly detrimental to society and to our planet thats where our work comes in…
A world where technology is designed to serve and/or complement humanity but not replace it.
On the Backend, we bring together the people of all backgrounds to hold authentic discussions around exponential technology development and usage that may not be serving humanity's best interests. On the Front end, we have a unique model to provide support and seed funding to entrepreneurs designing and implementing solutions to the unintended negative consequences of technology.
© 2018 UCOT, Inc. All rights reserved